
Here I experiment with various rendering techniques!

Project maintained by NamelessCoding Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

My first post about my volumetric renderer found on shadertoy:

Implementation details:

For these volumetric renders, I used the fractal as the density, meaning that if the current ray position is within a certain distance of the fractal, the density will be set at 0.9. While if the distance is larger, density at that point will simply be 0. I’m doing the most basic algorithm to render volumes! Essentially what I’m doing is marching forward at a fixed step size and at each point that the density is above 0, I’m shooting a ray, accumulating the density along the path, towards the sun. Finally I use that value, alongside with the density at the current point and the transmission value to find the energy at that point: The entire thing in code looks like this:

  float density = fbm(pos);
  if(density > 0.01){
    float densityAlongSunPath = 0.;
    vec3 pos2 = pos;
    for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++){
      densityAlongSunPath += fbm(pos2);
  transmission *= 1.0-density;
  energy += exp(-vec3(0.5,1.,2.)*densityAlongSunPath*densityMultiplier)*density*transmission;

return energy;

I also encapsulated the fractals within spheres, by first just raymarching infinite spheres, by simply modulating the position and after I hit something, I continue raymarching within the volume.

Octocat Octocat Octocat Octocat

Links to the shaders:

[Link] [Link] [Link]
